Tafteesh is a collaboration of various stakeholders – survivors of human trafficking, activists, social workers, human rights lawyers, psychologists, researchers, journalists etc – who have come together to strengthen the anti-human trafficking ecosystem in India.
And we believe that partnership or collaboration is the integral part of any programme that aims at bringing in social and structural changes. Therefore, we call upon individuals, corporates, foundations and NGOs to join Tafteesh with a shared vision of a society where all vulnerable communities are empowered to protect and defend themselves from being trafficked.
You can join Tafteesh as a:
a) Financier and Co-funder
If you are an international or domestic funding agency, financier, corporate house or an individual philanthropist wishing to give wings to an innovative and unique programme aimed at strengthening India’s anti-human trafficking response mechanism ensuring survivors improved and smooth access to justice, enabling them to take up micro businesses for self-sustainability and easier reintegration in their communities, Tafteesh is the right platform you must explore. Please contact: [email protected]
b) Collaborator
We believe that the strongest partnerships are those that capitalize on diversity – in skills, experiences and resources – and on commonalities. At Tafteesh, we need organisations and individual collaborators with different capacities who can bring in new innovative ideas to strengthen our work and impact; we invite individuals wishing to provide skill trainings to grassroots organisations, social workers, survivors to understand and leverage new tools and technologies; we invite organisations want to join the unique access to justice programme and replicate our work in other geographical areas and share with us their learnings too. If you are one of them, please contact: [email protected]
c) Volunteer
Tafteesh works with survivors of human trafficking who are mostly from the socio-economic disadvantaged communities and are portrayed as helpless victims. We wish to change this narrative – that they are leaders and subject experts who know the issue, the challenges and solutions required better than anyone in the AHT ecosystem. If you want to:
• become a voice for them andwrite about them and the work Tafteesh does
• build survivors’ capacity on leveraging new technology including social media
• help initiate or support campaigns to highlight their issues and demands
• help Tafteesh build its online visibility etc.
Please write to: [email protected] or [email protected] or fill in the form