Community Based rehabilitation has worked for Survivors of Trafficking

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The norm of rehabilitation of trafficked people is to institutionalise them in closed shelters and provide education, vocational training and counselling services - are of poor quality, are ineffective in employability or poverty reduction. On the contrary, they increase trauma and stigma.

Our intervention

Tafteesh has been successful in making rehabilitation services accessible to survivors while they live in their homes, in their communities. Tafteesh used a participatory method to assess and plan survivors' needs in a periodic manner and strengthen accountability of service providers in ensuring the identified need (for example in income and livelihoods, health care, shelter, food and nutrition services) get attained and reduce stigma.


Tafteesh is currently working with 162 (North 24 Parganas) number of survivors in rehabilitation services. Over the time, the responsiveness of duty bearers varied, but there is a positive shift in attitude towards survivors..

The survivors who received timely rehabilitation resulted in better participation in their prosecution cases.


>1.Without having a rehabilitation policy in State and National level it is difficult to hold duty bearers accountable for rehabilitation service specific to survivors of trafficking.
2.Public Interest Litigation on Rehabilitation in Calcutta High Court filed in 2017 has stuck despite lawyers’ constant follow up.